Discover – Nature visits

Discover the beauty of the Nature in our territory

At the ponds of Batilly

An open-air exhibition aimed at combining art with relaxation. (located at the ponds of Batilly)

Set up by the Batilly town hall and the FEP photo workshop

Moncel Castle in Jarny

Covering more than 17 hectares, the park of Moncel Castle is a refuge for the LPO. This park offers walks and family relaxation thanks to its health trail and activities.

Jarny & surroundings

These areas aim to preserve the quality of sites, landscapes, natural environments, and flood expansion fields as well as ensure the protection of natural habitats.


Pleasure gardens from the 19th century, they have been restored to allow strolling in an exceptional setting.

Sangsue Lake - Val-de-Briey

A perfect spot for walks, this 7-hectare lake located in the heart of the lower town will delight both young and old.


A haven for all the birds in the region, the site is a true refuge for biodiversity. Next to it is the Lorraine Wildlife Rescue Center, which takes care of wild animals.

Tél : 09 70 57 30 30

A team, a network supporting distressed wildlife.

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